Coklat,es krim,salad buah
Gone with the wind,
Topeng Kaca, Shogun, Taiko,
Chicken Soup For The Soul
Legenda Naga
BPA Free seller
Basically, you're brave, daring, chivalrous, and pretty much.. an all around good person. Of course, some see you as a goodie-two-shoes. But hey, it's true! You're really good at winning, and normally always come out as the hero. Everybody likes you.. except, maybe, the Slytherins. You're too perfect. No, really.. You're too perfect. It's annoying to watch you win, repeatedly. Oh well. Be proud anyway.
Gryffindors to Remember:
Harry Potter (the boy who lived..)
Ron Weasley (red hair, vacant expression.. we love weasleys!)
The whole damn Weasley family! (stop mating, already!!!)
Hermione Granger (you annoy me.. you know too much)